Bound to the Dark Elf King
نویسنده Jessica Grayson

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  • نوع کتاب : سیاه و سفید

  • قطع کتاب : رقعی

  • اندازه کتاب : رقعی

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۲۳۹,۰۰۰ تومان
۲۱۵,۱۰۰ تومان
<p>Bound to the Dark Elf King</p>

Everyone fears the Dark Elf King. Varys is known as a fierce and lethal warrior; none can stand against his armies.

When I’m captured by the Dark Elves and taken before their king, my first thought is of escape. The moment our eyes meet, King Varys claims I am his Fated One—his Khio’ri.

Humans and Elves have been enemies for centuries, but his people believe that a soulbond woven by fate cannot be undone.

I doubt he’s ever going to let me go. But what does it mean to be Bound to the Dark Elf King?

**Each book in the Of Fate and Kings series can be read as a standalone romance, but it is recommended to read them in order to enhance the reading experience.**

USA Today Bestselling author Jessica Grayson!

نوع کتاب سیاه و سفید
قطع کتاب رقعی

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