The Forbidden Game: The Hunter; The Chase; The Kill
نویسنده L.J. Smith

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  • نوع کتاب : سیاه و سفید

  • قطع کتاب : رقعی

  • نوع جلد : شومیز

  • اندازه کتاب : رقعی

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۳۵۰,۰۰۰ تومان
۳۱۵,۰۰۰ تومان
<h1>The Forbidden Game: The Hunter; The Chase; The Kill</h1>

It began with a board game. What was supposed to be an evening of celebration with friends, fun, and games becomes a night of danger, drama, and obsessive love. Because when Jenny, her boyfriend, Tom, and their friends begin to play the Game, it comes to life. Suddenly they are in a dark world where Julian, the gorgeous guy who sold Jenny the Game, rules as Prince of the Shadows. Julian makes their darkest nightmares realities—and he will do anything to claim the beautiful Jenny as his prize. The Game is real, and the only way to win is to face your most secret fears. You cannot quit—to lose the Game is to lose your life. And that is just the beginning….

نوع کتاب سیاه و سفید
قطع کتاب رقعی
نوع جلد شومیز

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